
The secret of the pros


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Performance boost thanks to a healthy gut

A healthy gut is the basis for peak performance in sport, as it is crucial for optimal nutrient absorption and energy supply in the body. Athletes with a healthy digestive system benefit from more efficient processing and utilization of ingested macro- and micronutrients, resulting in improved energy supply, faster recovery times and a stronger immune system. In addition, gut health plays a key role in preventing inflammation and maintaining a healthy weight, which is crucial for athletic performance. Promoting a healthy gut through a balanced diet and adequate hydration should therefore be a key element in every athlete's training and nutrition plan to achieve optimal performance and enhance wellbeing.

Gastrointestinal problems?

Leaky gut: causes, symptoms, solutions

Do you suffer from gastrointestinal problems before, during or after exercise? Rest assured, you're not alone. We are confronted with this issue time and time again. Possible causes: harmful substances in the intestine, overloading or simply an intact intestine (section). Leaky gut syndrome, also known as permeable gut, is a condition that can affect anyone, especially athletes. It describes a situation in which the intestinal wall loses its integrity, resulting in permeability to bacteria, toxins and undigested food particles. These substances enter the bloodstream and can cause inflammation and a variety of health problems. In athletes, a leaky gut can be caused in particular by a combination of intense physical exertion and stress. The blood flow in the intestinal area decreases during intensive training sessions, which can lead to an impairment of the intestinal wall. In addition, an unbalanced diet rich in sugar and processed foods, as well as the use of certain medications such as NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) can increase the risk of leaky gut. Symptoms of leaky gut can vary and include digestive problems, chronic fatigue, skin problems, and an increased risk of autoimmune disease. It is crucial for athletes to take steps to protect the health of their gut and minimize the risks of leaky gut. This includes eating a balanced diet rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, avoiding excessive stress and reducing the use of pro-inflammatory medications.

Panaceo supports athletes on their path to optimal gut health through natural and scientifically based solutions. Our products are designed to strengthen the gut wall, reduce inflammation and promote overall wellbeing. eroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) increase the risk of leaky gut.

Improved performance thanks to a healthy gut



Stressful influences

Stress in everyday life
Physical stress
Intensive training
Unbalanced diet
Drug residues
Mental stress
Exhaust gases and emissions


Possible consequences

Intestinal stress
Lack of drive
Gradual decline in performance
Decrease in training capacities
Greater susceptibility to infection
Irritable bowel syndrome
Fatigue/ Chron. Exhaustion


PANACEO Sport Pure

Intestinal detoxification
Intestinal strengthening
Reduction of the lactate load
Reduction of inflammation
Improvement of blood and liver values
Strengthening the immune system
Faster regeneration
Increasing mental resilience

Healthy gut vs. Leaky-Gut

Intestinal health