Forschung & Entwicklung
Verpflegung für Sportler auf natürlicher Basis
Ready für mehr Leistung im Sport?
Dann bist du bei uns genau richtig! Willkommen bei PANACEO - deinem verlässlichen Partner für ganzheitliche Unterstützung im Sport. Bei uns bekommst du alles, was du für eine optimale Performance benötigst: Qualität und Leidenschaft.
Unsere Mission: Mehr Leistung im Sport ermöglichen. UND: Die Darmgesundheit als Grundlage für sportliche Höchstleistungen in den Fokus zu rücken, denn nur mit einem gesunden Darm bist du auch leistungsfähig!
Unsere Mission: Mehr Leistung im Sport ermöglichen. UND: Die Darmgesundheit als Grundlage für sportliche Höchstleistungen in den Fokus zu rücken, denn nur mit einem gesunden Darm bist du auch leistungsfähig!
Sport Pure
Sports drinks
Nutritional supplements & skin care
Sport Pure
Our medical product PANACEO Sport Pure is based on alkaline volcanic minerals (PMA-Zeolith®) and is used to bind harmful substances in the body and support natural intestinal detoxification (also on the Cologne List).
- Increases performance
- Improves regeneration
- 100% natural product from Austria
Sports drinks
Refreshingly natural, rich in nutrients – your perfect companion for pure performance and fast regeneration (also on the Cologne list).
- Iso-Boost: Natural energy boost thanks to guarana
- Iso2: Long-lasting energy (carbohydrate complex)
- Amino drink: protein source for performance & regeneration
Nutritional supplements & skin care
High-quality nutritional supplements and body care products in harmony with nature.
Rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients.
- Premium raw materials
- 100% natural pure substances
- Large selection of vers. Products
A well-functioning gastrointestinal tract is essential for top athletic performance.
Thanks to the high-quality products from Panaceo, my body is optimally nourished during long and intensive training sessions and competitions.
Max Kirschner
Road bikePANACEO Sport Pure improves my digestion. It makes me feel fitter and better and I can perform every day.
Kathi Truppe
I am very, very satisfied with the PANACEO products. The aminos are noticeably good for me and the two isos are also great - although the Boost is my favorite because it has such a "neutral" taste. That still works well after 8 hours of exertion.
Birgit Kocher
Trail running (Ultra)I love the Sport Pure powder and can no longer imagine everyday life and training without it. I take it every day and have had the feeling that my health and bowels are much better since I started - despite my high physical exertion and the constant intake of highly concentrated sports nutrition in ultra running!
Rosanna Buchauer
PANACEO SPORT PURE has helped me to rebuild my stomach and protects me from a bloated stomach in my daily challenges.
Mona Mitterwallner
Mountain bike XCO & XCMPANACEO is my important partner for a balanced diet. As a competitive athlete, the sports products help me to make optimum use of training stimuli and to regenerate well after competitions.
Markus Salcher
Alpine skiing (Paraski)The amino drink supports my active regeneration and enables me to always be ready for new challenges. The SPORT Pure powder was particularly successful for me, as it made it clear how much more efficient you can be with a problem-free stomach.
Oscar Heine
Due to the longer regeneration time that comes with age, PANACEO products help me to recover more quickly after competitions and intensive training sessions. Thanks to PANACEO, I am always optimally supplied with amino acids, electrolytes and vitamins.
Michaela Zwerger
I use Panaceo products because they help me to maintain my performance level and shorten my recovery time after strenuous matches. Both physically and mentally. The Panaceo Sport medical product and the natural magnesium have helped me particularly with my migraine problems, and now I take them both preventively and acutely before competitions.
Hannes Lienbacher
In ultra running, the intensive training of around +-20 hours often requires a high level of strain, not only on the muscles but also on the digestive system. PANACEO has largely alleviated my problems, improved my fitness and noticeably accelerated regeneration after major exertion.
Sigrid Eder
Thanks to PANACEO, I have successfully overcome my stomach and intestinal problems during physical exertion. The regular use of PANACEO Energy ISO and PANACEO Sport Pure during training sessions and competitions has helped me enormously.
Teresa Feix
Max Kirschner
Road bikeKathi Truppe
Birgit Kocher
Trail running (Ultra)Rosanna Buchauer
Mona Mitterwallner
Mountain bike XCO & XCMMarkus Salcher
Alpine skiing (Paraski)Oscar Heine
Michaela Zwerger
Hannes Lienbacher
Sigrid Eder
Teresa Feix
Starke Performance
Sportler benötigt die richtigen Bausteine, um Höchstleistungen zu erbringen. Durch intensive körperliche Aktivität werden Nährstoffe schneller verbraucht, und ein Mangel kann zu Ermüdung, Leistungsabfall und sogar Verletzungen führen. Mit den Produkten aus der PANACEO Sport-Linie liefern wir deinem Körper die essentiellen Nährstoffe, die er braucht, um optimal zu funktionieren. Unsere Produkte unterstützen nicht nur deine Leistungsfähigkeit, sondern fördern auch die Regeneration nach dem Training.
Sei auch du bereit für mehr Leistung während deiner Performance!
Sei auch du bereit für mehr Leistung während deiner Performance!
Sport Pure
€ 39,90
- 100% PMA-Zeolith®
- Optimiert deine Leistungsfähigkeit
- Verbessert deine Regeneration
- Stärkt dein Immunsystem
- Kräftigt deinen Magen-Darm-Trakt
€ 29,90
- Energie-Boost
- Optimale Kohlenhydratquellen
- Stabiler Blutzuckerspiegel
- ohne Zusatzstoffe
- vegan & glutenfrei
€ 34,90
- Proteinquelle
- 8 essentielle Aminosäuren
- BCAA-Komplex
- ohne Zusatzstoffe
- laktosefrei
- vegan & glutenfrei
ab €
ab € 24,90
- Curcuma
- Guarana
- Magnesium und Calcium
- B-Vitamine
- und viele mehr ...
ab €
ab € 12,90
- Basenbad
- Wundpuder
- Hautcreme
- Kräuterbalsam
- Zahncreme
Starker Darm - starke Leistung
Weil ein gesunder Darm Voraussetzung für Erfolg ist.
Stressful influences
Stress in everyday life
Physical strain
Intensive training
Unbalanced diet
Medication residues
Psychological stress
Exhaust gases and emissions
Physical strain
Intensive training
Unbalanced diet
Medication residues
Psychological stress
Exhaust gases and emissions
Possible consequences
Intestinal stress
Lack of drive
Gradual decline in performance
Decrease in training capacity
Greater susceptibility to infection
Irritable bowel syndrome
Fatigue/ chronic fatigue. Exhaustion
Lack of drive
Gradual decline in performance
Decrease in training capacity
Greater susceptibility to infection
Irritable bowel syndrome
Fatigue/ chronic fatigue. Exhaustion
Solution: PANACEO Sport Pure
Intestinal detoxification
Intestinal strengthening
Reduction of lactate load
Reduction of inflammation
Improvement of blood and liver values
Strengthening the immune system
Faster regeneration
Increased mental resilience
Intestinal strengthening
Reduction of lactate load
Reduction of inflammation
Improvement of blood and liver values
Strengthening the immune system
Faster regeneration
Increased mental resilience
PANACEO Sport-Team
PANACEO Athleten
PANACEO bietet führende medizinische Produkte und Nahrungsergänzungsmittel für Sportler an, die die persönliche Leistungsfähigkeit verbessern und das allgemeine Wohlbefinden steigern.
PANACEO International GmbH
Finkensteiner Straße 5
A-9585 Gödersdorf
A-9585 Gödersdorf
Telefon: +43 (0)4257 29064
Mobil: +43 (0)676 60 33 116
E-Mail: office@panaceo.com
Mobil: +43 (0)676 60 33 116
E-Mail: office@panaceo.com
Premium quality – made in Austria